UMH Auxiliary Nursing Scholarship Recipients
UVALDE, TX – The Uvalde Memorial Hospital Auxiliary met for their monthly meeting on Monday, August 7. Before the meeting was called to order, Sherley Wentz, chairman of the scholarship committee, introduced the fall scholarship recipients to the membership. The scholarship committee members, Sherley Wentz, Rosalynda Gonzales, Edith Holmes, Human Resource Officer Charla Garcia, and Chief Nursing Officer Carlos Gregorio, received seven applications for consideration. Makayla Barboza, Rosemary Ruiz, and Sabrina Hernandez were each awarded a $1,500 Auxiliary scholarship. All three recipients will be entering their second year in the registered nursing program at Southwest Texas Junior College.
The UMH Auxiliary has bestowed scholarships to area students pursuing their registered nurse (RN) certification for nearly 30 years. This bi-annual scholarship program is possible through annual fundraisers like the group’s Christmas Tea, jewelry and scrub sales, among others.
Following the presentation of the scholarship awardees, Edith Holmes called the meeting to order, Dora Cruz gave the invocation, and Anita Gutierrez read the minutes from the July meeting. Barbra Blair gave the treasurer’s report, and Rosalynda Gonzales shared the corresponding secretary’s report. Dora Cruz shared the gift shop report.
Lee Lugo gave the membership report and stated there are currently 25 active auxilians and three inactive. More volunteers are needed to cover shifts in the gift shop and to help with other volunteer initiatives. Members were encouraged to invite their friends to join the organization. The meeting concluded with hospital updates and events reports from Beth Sanders and Susan Rios.
For more information on becoming a member of the Auxiliary or the scholarship program, interested individuals can contact Beth Sanders, volunteer coordinator, at 830-278-6251 extension 1501.





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