Medical Staff to Expand in August
Uvalde Family Practice Association and Uvalde Memorial Hospital are pleased to announce Chérie L. Hauptmeier, D.O. will be joining the practice and medical staff team in August 2014. Dr. Hauptmeier will enter Uvalde Family Practice Association with R. Steve Garza, M.D. and Richard B. Lutton, M.D. where she will practice family medicine and obstetrics. She will join L.P. Wegrzyn, M.D. who will be entering the practice in August as well. In addition, she will begin her time as a medical staff member with Erika B. Garcia, M.D. who will join Garner Field Family Medicine Practice in August alongside David C. White, M.D. and Kevin L. Uptergrove, M.D.
“I absolutely love the scope of family medicine, especially obstetrics, and am so excited to start serving the community of Uvalde,” stated Dr. Hauptmeier.
Born and raised primarily in South Dakota, Hauptmeier, D.O. graduated from the University of Northern Iowa and went on to receive her medical degree from Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Des Moines, Iowa.
Although her family remains in South Dakota, Hauptmeier, D.O. brings with her a cat, named Zuzu, and the support of her family as she moves to Uvalde.
“My family has been my biggest support and I wouldn’t be who I am if I hadn’t had such a loving, supportive, incredible family to love me unconditionally through these long years of studying and training,” stated Hauptmeier, D.O.
Dr. Hauptmeier made her way to Texas to complete her medical residency at CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Family Medicine in San Antonio. During her time at CHRISTUS she received honors of Chief Resident from 2013- 2014 and Physician of the Day at the Capitol in Austin in March of 2013. As a medical resident Hauptmeier has also taken part in a medical mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico and been involved in an obesity prevention group, diabetes education, and sports physicals.
“We feel fortunate to have found these two very special physicians to join our Uvalde medical community,” stated Dr. Rick Lutton regarding Hauptmeier and Wegrzyn. “They uphold our values and their enthusiasm is very exciting for our office. We look forward to a long-lasting relationship,” Lutton added.
Dr. Hauptmeier has an array of research experience including studies involving nutritional and diabetic education, the growth of Leukemic cell lines, and more.
“Dr. Cherie Hauptmeier has received excellent training, and will provide the best possible care to our patients. Uvalde and the surrounding communities will soon learn what a wonderful person she is. It is with great pleasure that Dr. Lutton and I welcome her to our medical practice,” stated Dr. Steve Garza.
Dr. Hauptmeier’s impression of Uvalde has been nothing but positive and she is looking forward to the move. “I love it! The people here are so kind and welcoming. The town itself has historical character, which I really enjoy and appreciate. Uvalde actually reminds me very much of a small town I lived in for a few years as a child. Some of my richest memories are from living in a similar smaller community and I want the same for my family someday. I’m really looking forward to getting involved and meeting more people here,” Dr. Hauptmeier stated. “I’m looking forward to getting out of the city and into a quality place to live and grow,” she added.
Dr. Hauptmeier will begin seeing patients August 4 and is currently accepting applications for new patients. New patient applications can be submitted to Uvalde Family Practice Association located at 1800 Garner Field Road. For additional information on becoming a patient please contact the Uvalde Family Practice Association office at 830-278-4453.





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