Donate Now

How your gift will help.
It costs $100,000+ to operate Kate Marmion Rides to Radiation annually. Your gift will be used to cover fuel, maintenance, repairs, tires, and insurance for both vans; van drivers’ salaries and benefits; fundraising and other administrative costs. Below are some of the ways your donation will help keep the vans on the road.
Pre-Operation Appointment

- $20 funds 1 round trip for a patient
- $50 funds 1 tank of gas and cost of operations of 1 van
- $100 funds 2 tanks of gas and cost of operations of 1 van
- $250 funds 5 tanks of gas and cost of operation of 1 van
- $500 funds 10 tanks of gas and cost of operation of 2 vans
- $1,000 funds the monthly fuel bill for both vans
- $2,500 funds 2 ½ months of fuel for both vans
- $5,000 funds 5 months of fuel for both vans
- $10,000 runs Kate Marmion Rides to Radiation for 1 month
Memorials or In Honor Of Donation
For more information or any questions you may have, please contact Sheri Rutledge at 830-278-6251 ext. 1616. P.O. Box 900, Uvalde, Texas 78802.





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